Secret of the Encrypted Script An intriguing tale of fate and love, unfolded on walls of the craggy crypt; as the maven returned to decipher, secret of the mysterious script. Not easy was it to revive from the ordeal of […]
Secret of the Encrypted Script An intriguing tale of fate and love, unfolded on walls of the craggy crypt; as the maven returned to decipher, secret of the mysterious script. Not easy was it to revive from the ordeal of […]
Eternal Slumber Noxious breath of the serpent vile, cast a shadow, deathly somber. Suffering in its venomous presence, the princess slid into a charmed slumber. Darkness had never felt so grim to his eyes as it did when a […]
In the Shadow of a Serpent Smelling milk in the florid bath, besotted by the sweet scent; slithered into the turquoise tub, a loathsome thirsty serpent. A delirious trance had descended upon the princess as the eunuch hummed his queer […]
(Anne and Joe are married for 30 years) Anne was 21 in 1960 and she is 81 now. Joe was 23 in 1960 and he is 93 now) I am Joe Goldberg. I have two prized possessions in my life: […]
…and a day or two in Beirut (plus an afternoon in the Lebanese countryside, masquerading as provincial France). A couple of days in Switzerland, and a grey afternoon at the Niagara Falls. Lots of Paris, of course, from the Eiffel […]
Russel Micnhimer has been writing poetry for forty five years while working at a variety of jobs and travelling throughout the world pursuing his interests in archaeology and rock art. His poetry has appeared in various journals and anthologies including […]
“Happy Father’s Day…Miss you Papa” Samira typed the message into her phone and sent it to her father’s mobile number. Some five minutes later the answer came: “Thank you. Miss you too beta.” Samira last met her father three years […]
Covid-19 is real trouble for the entire true blue planet Earth. In these trying times that we all are in, facing the pandemic-like situation, the thing of foremost significance that needs to be kept in mind at present, is the […]
“Ver” The spice cake or masala tikki has many health benefits too. I am a foodie, so must be many of you, and we Kashmiris are famous for our khen Chen and the Kashmir’s cru-sine has no clone round the […]
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