Love will replace Hate

Is Race, Religion, Region the markers of perfect division?
Divide and Distinguish is it all left with the perfect creation?
Differences were for mere identification
We escalated them to indelible propositions
Where will the division stop?
Major, Minor, Sub, and Subsequent divisions
Religion, became a big division
Add to it the Nationalistic one
Plus the lingual and cultural
To add insult to injury there is gender one too
The testimony of abysmal downfall to deepest dark dungeons
The colors weren’t spared too
Saffron for Hindus, White for Christians, and Black for Muslims
The day isn’t far away when
Flora, Fauna, Clouds, and Sun too
Will get divided on the basis of language, ethnicity, and caste
The uniting power of love, values, and humanity is lost
Unfortunately, the believers of these values are incognito too
Those who would struggle for these common concerns are in hibernation too
In such an environment of pessimism
Still, we shouldn’t be disillusioned from hope and optimism
These values sustain life and belief in them
Certainly will restore the lost values
For which we are craving
Ushering in a new era where
Love will replace hate, unity division, and instincts humanity.