Tale of a Nocturnal Sojourn- Chapter 7

A Lovelorn Princess
I have waited a million years,
calling out till someone hears.
And at last came your reply,
as my lovelorn gaze met your eye.
Since that moment, every day,
I sense your love in a mysterious way.
Lost in wilderness of the dark cave, the crystal ball was gone forever; but not before the rogue had roused an unceasing turmoil in my heart. The last caper with the fiend had planted seeds of aching emotions that grew to sprout agonizing thorns of yearning in my soul. Utterly deluged in the torment of this unknown craving, the regret of losing the crystal ball escaped my thoughts.
The handsome stranger had left an unending disquiet racking my whole being. The fleeting moments of his close presence had left a trail of haunting desires in my bewildered heart. Never before had such wistful longing wrenched my tempered spirit. My crazed yearning estranged me from my habitat; the darkness I was born to, became alien to me where there was no hope of his presence. My spirit struggled to escape the arrested pain I felt in my own castle. The darkness of the netherworld and all the luxuries of my own kingdom seemed like devises that conspired to keep us apart. The opulent jewels that held me captivated with their dazzling spectacle lost their mesmeric allure, for now, I yearned only to be wrapped in his silent presence just as he had enveloped my soul in those ecstatic moments of togetherness.
Everything I thought and all things I did, seemed to be in the direction of seeking his affection. A passionate ambience grew around me as I sunk deeper into the quest of that charming unknown. Unfamiliar occurrences in my familiar surroundings seemed to prompt me of his unseen presence; as though he would hear if I whispered his name in the air.
Walking along the silver river, past an eternity, I stood on the dark sandy shore of the southern ocean. The stormy south wind raised roaring waves in the deep waters. The troubled tides thrashed the shores in a relentless labour to escape the merciless onslaught of the violent gusts. But my lovelorn eyes saw not the distress of the tortured water. Drenched in his thoughts, I remained inundated in a mist of amorous desire that rose from the wet sands of the shore; my ears full of haunting strains of the mermaid’s love song.
A mysterious string of oddities conveyed his secret messages to me every moment. There was nothing around me that was not touched by his tenderness; no sound, that did not speak his words in my eager ears. Solitude of the river bank was my secret respite from the nagging presence of slaves around the castle. Strange that the freezing water of the Silver river touched me with a tepid fervor as though it were suffused with the moist warmth of his fragrant breath. Water and weed swirled around me in tense circles as if it were his eager arms trying to enclose me in a robust embrace, leaving me breathless with an unabashed proclamation of love.
Torrid emotions scourged my parched soul like the ruthless sandstorms that scathe the heart of the arid desert. I stirred in my golden bed of yellow topaz, for the robust stone to rid my heart of the fear of death but all its calming energies failed to pacify the fervent feelings I felt, for they refused to be quelled, bereft of the affection I craved.