Tale of a Nocturnal Sojourn- Chapter 15

Defying Destiny
Resigning little to evil fate,
even at the cost of blasphemy;
to retain glory of the diamond throne,
Hell would defy destiny.
Evil though the curse was and harsh destiny’s bearing, the shrewd maven worked holes in the fateful decree and contrived a devious manoeuvre to overcome the menace looming over the life of the heiress. The vicious curse could be averted only if a man who did not hold affection of the princess descended his manhood into her womb and led the serpent out of her sanctum.
The maven’s design, though ingenious, was not easy to accomplish; for the virginity of the princess could neither be offered brazenly nor could the cause of such an extraordinary compromise be revealed. Men had to be lured to the task. Unawares.
The venomous breath of the sleeping serpent in her womb had tainted the pearly skin of the princess with a queer tint of azure; the complexion perfect for a Nereid. A nymph was always an object of wanton dalliance though often of dire consequences, but to men, their charm was irresistible. She was the daughter of a water nymph, the identity that was always ignored; the guise would not be far from truth. But it would cleverly conceal her entity as the daughter of darkness, the heiress of the diamond throne. Such were the thoughts that raced through the maven’s mind as the disjointed pieces of the conundrum seemed to fall in place at last. A smug smile spread upon his wizened face, after a long while of time indeed.
The slaves were instructed to adorn the princess as a Nereid for the profane episode. The steady hands of the eunuchs trembled as they worked against their will; their affection for the princess stood in mute rebellion against the demand of the diamond throne. But bound under an oath of silence, each heart pounded with an unknown fear; for a threat of inconceivable retribution hung upon the tongue that dared to break the secrecy of the clandestine agenda.
Lain upon an enormous boulder of imperial jade, just as nereids are often found in desolate groves around the sea; she was left alone to face an unknown run of events that would either lead to doom or snatch life out of the stony grip of death.
Wrapped in flowing raiments of silvery blue, she appeared to be a goddess, born out of mysterious depths of the blue ocean. Prurient designs were drawn upon her bare skin; curly strokes resembling the billowing ocean waves swirled around her full bosoms while sensual patterns and erotic motifs subtly accentuated the most desirable contours of her slender feminine figure. Long strands of silver yarn strung with beads of pearls and nuggets of sparkling diamonds woven into her luxurious raven curls, invoked the dreamy likeness of the starry night sky. A beautiful laurel braided with sea weed and pretty blooms of white azaleas and blue hydrangea adorned her crown that filled the desolate wilderness with their entrancing fragrance. Through the sensual folds of her diaphanous waistcloth shown a mimosa bloom of flaming red, tucked at the door of her temple of femininity, to abet men and lead them to their task; unawares…