Tale of a Nocturnal Sojourn- Chapter 17

Destiny Laughs Last
What could redeem the life upon which,
the unkind sight of fate is cast?
Despite all endeavors of cunning and love,
the messenger of destiny laughs last.
Mounted upon the gallant white stallion, the prince stood upon the dark shore of the roaring southern ocean; facing giant waves of tumultuous water and swelling fury of the southerly gales. Behind him seethed a great conflagration encompassing both, the luminous realm of sun and the kingdom of eternal darkness. The fire ball lay beside the jade boulder, at head of the endless trail that conjoined the eternally rivalling worlds in its fiery course.
Savage yellow flames of the blazing fire fused with the uncanny blue of the cracking lightning created a macabre ambience around the turbulent shore. Colossal waves broke upon the dark southern sands while dense clouds accumulated upon the indignant sky broke into a flooding downpour. Stinging sheets of water descended from the sky like piercing arrows, pitched from the vicious bows of hidden dragoons of the treacherous vapours. Merciless winds wrecked and ravaged the trees and foliage around the beautiful grove; threatening to deluge the entire creation in its irate rampage. Hell hath broken all fury upon the lone prince who boldly stood his ground on the hostile territory.
Raging winds blew away the burnt tatters of his robe as though to reveal the true identity of the prince before the fierce tribunal of the unrelenting elements of hell; to prove that he did not belong here and that his trespass would not go unpunished. But neither threats nor resistance raised by the hellish furies could deter the iron resolve of a noble soul in love. His eager eyes frantically sought her unto whom his heart had pledged undying affection.
Amidst this great upheaval, the prince beheld a female figure lain upon a jade boulder, unperturbed by the huge disquiet. The pounding of his heart ceased, he raced breathlessly towards the enormous green rock. As he edged closer to the slumbering beauty, his heart began to sink for he found the enticing form of an amorous nymph lain before him. Ever since his eyes had beheld the beauteous unknown in the twilight of the cavern, nothing other than her had seemed desirable to his love-struck eyes. Is this what he had defied the world for? The nymph lay voluptuously sprawled before him as tears of rage and disappointment welled in his eyes. He stood silent and still in the overwhelming rain for there was nothing left to go back to; there remained no path for retreat.
But the amorous motifs painted on her skin began to fade as the incessant shower washed the perfidious ink away; revealing the pearly radiance of her true complexion. The affection for the princess had indeed triumphed over the grave threats of retribution as the eunuchs had replaced the strong dyes with a feeble concoction while painting the profane motifs on her skin. The unsullied beauty of the princess thus unveiled; the prince looked at her with renewed hope. Opening the palms of her hands desperately, he found the singed scars left by the fire ball; an unmistakable mark of their first encounter in the wild cavern.
Brimming over with inexpressible emotions to have found her at last, the prince showered countless kisses upon those dear hands. Infinite love and tenderness surged in his heart for the pristine beauty that woke not still from her slumber to embrace her beloved. His gaze remained fixed on her charming countenance for none other could ever be dearer to his parched soul.
The bold disregard of their censure and displeasure further infuriated the keepers of hell. The wrathful sky broke with a deluging torrent of hail and rain, hurling deadly bolts of thunder in all directions. The galloping waves of the seething ocean rolled ever so furiously as to devour the very shore. Not far away from the sea, the blazing conflagration was engrossed in its own dance of destruction. The sky-high flames birthed multitudes of their fiery progeny that proceeded eagerly to consume the whole creation in an ever increasing pyre of arson. It seemed as though all the mighty elements of doom had joined forces to challenge the power of love.
Unmoved by the display of hellish fury around him, the prince continued to behold his beloved as though none else mattered hereafter. But the depraved potency of the maven’s design lurked into effect as the prince continued to gaze at her irresistible beauty. The remnants of the faded motifs that still accentuated her curvaceous figure, spurred the manhood of the vivacious youth to a sinful desire while the mimosa bloom under her diaphanous waistcloth beckoned the starved lover to commit a morbid folly.
Descending into an overwhelming inebriation of love and desir
e, just as the unsuspecting victims of the nymphs do, the prince drew closer to the enchanting form of the princess. Wrapping her into a passionate embrace he drank in the luscious fragrance that lingered around her supple skin. The hellish rain failed to wash away the sweet perfume of her body for it rose from the depths of her virgin soul. The twinkling diamonds in her curly tresses drew his tired senses into a dreamy realm of pleasure where there were no consideration of any other; her languid warm breath touched his skin like the tender caress of a delicate feather. His troubled mind readily gave up the worries of the huge turmoil around them; a luxury that was bestowed only to a man in the engrossing proximity of his love.
The shadow of venom seemed to wane in the radiant warmth of his robust embrace as the feeble life that hung outside her limp body strained to return to her breast. Her delirious eyes opened into the tender brown eyes that had haunted her even in the darkness of her cursed slumber. Alarmed as though to hide her modesty from the bold overtures of her lover, she threw her arms around his neck; burying her face in the chest of the one that embarrassed her with his demanding advances.
The stunning sparks of the diamonds in those raven eyes splintered the last bits of restraining resolve that held him back. Holding the shy and yielding maiden in his robust arms, the prince rolled onto the dark sands of the southern shore. Clasping her face deep into his chest he felt a wild passion rise within him that leapt into smoldering flames, matching the insatiable flares of the voracious conflagration around them. A fervent eagerness overwhelmed his senses as his trembling hands explored the sculptured contours of her sensuous body and stirred her into the same inflamed passion that was burning him into cinders. Like a precious jewel embedded in gold, the vigour of his passionate congress embedded her into the soft bed of wet sand beneath. Unable to deter the ardent union of the consummating lovers, the jealous waves of the furious ocean lashed upon their inseparably entwined bodies.
Nothing remained to inhibit the wildly rising amour, for he knew that there would be no tomorrow. And in a moment of supreme ecstasy, the prince laid claim on what was his. She strained under his zealous exertions, burning and melting like wax in the warmth of his impassioned ingress; the cold rain mingled with the heat of sweat in the ardent union of heaven and hell…. the maiden for whom he had renounced the world, was conquered.
And then a terrible sting… a bolt from the blue … a noxious sizzle that spun the world around him in dizzy whirls. The blazing flames dimmed before him as his unbelieving eyes beheld a vile dark serpent emerge from her womb and slither away into the dark waters of the sea. Reeling under its virulent influence, the world darkened around him, obscuring the beauteous face of his beloved from his fading sight. The taut young muscles laxed as the lethal venom fused surreptitiously with the blood in his veins, his eyes strained to keep from sliding into the unknown depths of an overpowering unconsciousness.
The shadow of the serpent thus removed, her spirit regained the vigour of life. Her eyes opened into the closing eyes of the prince. The trace of a smile still remained poised on his lips; his last bid to cheer her in the fading moments of their togetherness.
Wasted lay her life redeemed as her horrified eyes helplessly witnessed the insufferable agony of her beloved. The witch’s curse rung in her ears louder than the roars of the furious ocean. Clasping him so close to her bosom that the warmth of her own breath kept his sinking heart from ceasing; she struggled to hold on to the feeble life that slipped slowly into the cold grip of death. An unspeakable pain descended from her eyes burning her cheeks with the hot brine of tears. The cold glint of the hardened diamonds washed away with the swelling emotions that ran down her cheeks, the legacy of hell was broken forever. Undone came the ruthless heiress of hell, for a poignant tenderness surged in her heart as the deep anguish of his suffering wrought throbbing emotions out of her tempered soul. Despite her earnest bid to restore his life, he waned cold in her hands, hardened into a rigid unmoving posture… frigid as stone…
A deluging grief overtook her as she held the handsome dead in a tight embrace. Devastated by his departure, she stared helplessly at the sea, swaying to and fro in a crazed frenzy. But the merciless ocean stretched its watery arms forth as though in final retribution and a giant wave seized his body away from her, dragging him to the treacherous depths of the dark water.
The lovers thus separated, the terrible retribution thus dealt, the fierce elements of the obsidian empire abated; pacified and victorious. The storm disappeared over the southern horizon and the turbulence ceased as a deathly calm descended over the troubled waters. The waves ebbed into the distant ocean, leaving the princess numb with a sense of deep bereavement. The clear sky twinkled with the tiny lights of a million stars as the jaded vapours receded into the dark corners of the nightly welkin.
A deep guttural cry escaped her throat as her empty hands stretched into the nothingness of the dark night… the blood of the devil curdled in her veins as a violent loathing overwhelmed her heart. Beastly groans of her choked anger filled the silence of the night; no more did she desire to be the beautiful maiden of comely manner. Her innocent heart had died within her breast, hardened to stone with the rigor of the dying prince; her soul had smoked to cinders in the fire of the blaze.
Heaving with the enormous grief that weighed heavily upon her, dragging the wrecks of her shattered young dreams, she staggered towards the ashes of the burnt grove. His fiery plaything still lay on the wet sand, a sizzle throbbing within the core of the flaming ball. Shadows of uncanny emotions played dangerously upon her dreadful face as she stood staring at the fiery article for long. In the yellow light of the fire, she appeared like a spirit haunted.
And then in a sudden moment of painful frenzy, raising the ball up to the heavens with both hands, the naked maiden began dancing wildly to the insane beats of an inaudible music. Swaying like a woman possessed, her disheveled hair flailed in the air like a thousand serpents; she left crazy footprints upon the wet sands of the dark shore. Slowly the fire spread across her arms engulfing her whole body in its deathly flames. Unmindful of the mortal pain, remiss to the wasting of her own life, she continued her entranced dance in gleeful craze for long… till nothing remained of her… blue waves rolled over the awry trail of footfalls, burying the traces of the cursed night in a watery grave… ashes flew around the shore and blew away with the ocean zephyr… vanished…. like the forgotten tale of the beautiful star-crossed lovers…