Tale of a Nocturnal Sojourn- Chapter 4

Legacy of the Diamond Throne
A turbulent storm of southerly wind,
tearing through giant ocean waves;
riding the eight black stallions of night,
cometh the fearsome chariot of darkness.
The Diamond throne of the Obsidian empire was a diabolical station. A majestic seat carved out of black onyx, the stone of separation, the frigid temperament of the potent black stone caused the heart of its incumbent to harden and froze the emotions that warmeth the blood. Dressed in dark silver robes of luxurious satin, presiding over the magnificent Diamond throne, the Lord of Darkness held court over the grotesque tidings of the underworld. A relentless intensity radiated from the mesmerizing diamond-studded seat that imparted an awesome ruthlessness to the sovereign of Eternal Night.
Not easy was it, to bear the legacy of the Nocturnal kingdom. The Lord travelled across his kingdom on the chariot of darkness, appearing out of a mysterious nebula whenever he wished. A fierce octet of black stallions was harnessed to the chariot. The hand that held their reins was to possess the heart of a lion, cunning of a wolf and the brutality of a wild boar. Golden heads of the three formidable beasts were cast as the wield of the ostentatious scepter of Hell while the body was crafted after two hooded serpents, entwined in an ecstatic coitus. A gigantic sapphire sat at the top of the scepter, shining brilliantly and throwing hypnotic blue rays on the emperor’s countenance, that made him look more fierce and awesome.
The domain of Darkness was ordained to be ruled by a demi-god who had the august stature of a God and cold blood of the infernal fiend in his veins. He was to rule the Netherworld like a God but his conduct was to follow the hellish legacy of unrelenting brutality and coldness in the same vein.
A gorgeous crest of numerous opulent jewels adorned the crown of the Lord, inducing a chilling aura to his grim countenance. A flowing crimson cape trailed after his statuesque majesty as he strode across the imposing regal court in the midst of the great castle of Darkness. He was the master of the stormy south wind, of the tumultuous waves of the southern ocean, and of all gems, jewels, metals and elements that lay hidden, deep under the soily layers of earth.
The sun never rose upon the dark firmament of the underworld. His golden chariot of divine radiance never rode across the southern skies. The welkin of the kingdom of Eternal night, studded with millions of stars, remained bejeweled with numerous astral designs of fascinating complexity. With the sky as his arena, the stars as his pawns and the gems as his dice, the Lord of the Obsidian empire remained engrossed in the queer sport of manipulating the astral eccentricities with his potent gems and stones. Gallant was his disposition and great were his powers, for he commanded the endless treasure of mystic stones and precious gems that held enormous powers of changing the fortune of earthly mortals and the celestial course of the heavenly stars.